Update 82: The merge
A large patch note, 4 patches in one!
Special effects:
- New enemy spawning/ship deployment animation
- New shotgun shots special effect
- New Medic (troop) special effects (attacks)
- New ship weapon attacks special effects
- New melee hit special effects
- New shotgun reload animation
- New grenade launcher weapon core animation
- Leg propulsor effect added for pirates fighter (them sliding wasn’t a bug, they just have sick turbo boots and had no VFX)
- New laser canon attack special effect (troops)
- 6 New boss spawn animations (Famas soldiers, Simian, 2 Pirates, Pems, Medics)
- Enemy death burst (corpse explosion) special effect
- Turret materialization special effect
- Elite mobs/boss glowing eyes special effects
- Rotating shields, hatred, illusion and life link have been re-added for bosses and elites
- Footstep SFX added
- Jumping SFX added
- Dashing SFX added
- Flying SFX added
- Mission log SFXs added
- AI voice added (few lines)
- Pirate fighters can now throw their shield Yo-yo style and it’s sick
- New pirate sword fighters added
- Pem shooting adjustments (they are a bit more precise)
- Enemies with raised shields can no longer be knocked back by explosions
- Consumable stacks will automatically refill when depleted if you have more available in your backpack
- New enemy health bars (bosses’ and elites’ life bars will be fixed at the top of your HUD for better readability)
- The star chart now features more information on which buttons do what
- New, clearer way to dispose of unwanted items
- Stacks of items are now easier to spot
- Popups are now easier to read
- UI performance cost lowered (we can now render 100 times the number of health bars and other UI items for a fraction of the previous cost)
- New emotes have been added
- Multiplayer fully restored
- Players can now hot join in an already started game
- Massive improvements on synchronization (seeing the same enemies at the same spot at the same time in multiplayer)
- All weapons were given adjustments to how they handle and feel as well as new crosshair details (hitting an enemy). Recoil was also adjusted for all weapons.
- Critical damages (weak points damage) have been lowered while regular damage received an up.
- All weapons received damage overhauls. (Feedback on that is welcomed)
Anthony, Freeman and Yoko
Anthony, Freeman and Yoko